Off-Campus Meal Plan 2024 - 2025

Undergraduate students living in off-campus housing or university-owned/affiliated apartments, and graduate/extension students: May cancel their meal plan for the Fall semester from August 25 to September 14, 2024; and from January 16 - February 8, 2025, for the Spring semester.
Changes to meal plans must be made by filling out this form. No other meal plan changes or cancellation requests will be approved outside of the official change period.
Meal plan holders will forfeit all unused flex dollars up to the cancellation date. Approved cancellations will be assessed a $75.00 cancellation fee and the refund will be prorated.
Contact Information

Meal Plan and Cal 1 Card

Salesforce Record IDs (All these fields should remain hidden)

For security purposes, do not include any private information in this form such as credit card, social security numbers, or private health information.