Report a Safety Hazard
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Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Specific Room/Area
Date the hazard was observed
Time the hazard was observed
Please indicate AM or PM.
Please provide a description of the potential hazard. (Please be as detailed as possible)
What changes would you recommend to correct the unsafe condition or hazard?
File Upload
Please upload any relevant documents, pictures, or other files.
File Upload
Injury Report
If you need to file an injury report please see the links below for reference.
EFR (Injury Report) Instructions
EFR (Injury Report) FAQ Sheet
EFR (Injury Report)
Salesforce Record IDs (All these fields should remain hidden)
Case ID
Contact ID
Record ID
UC Location ID
Account ID
For security purposes, do not include any private information in this form such as credit card, social security numbers, or private health information.
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