Division of Student Affairs Event Request

Contact Information

If your department is not listed please select "Other"

Please write out the full organization name, no abbreviations.
Event Details

Please indicate AM or PM.

Please indicate AM or PM.

MM/DD/YYYY 10:00 AM (Indicate AM or PM)

Please enter a whole number, no dashes.

Event Location
Please click here to check venue availability.                      

Please note, a request for this location needs to be placed 3 weeks in advance.
Please note, a request for this location needs to be placed 4 weeks in advance.

Please provide the name of the location including the city and state.

Please refer to the Campus Major Events Policy for more information about amplified sound.
Catering Information

Guest list required for food and beverage purchase.

In order to comply with the Campus Major Events Policy all events serving alcohol require a minimum of 6 weeks advance notice and a signed Alcohol Permit.
Additional Information
Day of Event Contact

Supervisor Approval

Salesforce Record IDs (All these fields should remain hidden)

For security purposes, do not include any private information in this form such as credit card, social security numbers, or private health information.